For enquiries about engaging Neil Jenkins, or purchasing or hiring from Barn End Press, contact:
Neil Jenkins, Barn End, Castle Lane, Bramber, West Sussex, BN44 3FB
Telephone number: 01903 879591
Email: neil@neiljenkins.com
This website contains many documents by Neil Jenkins. There are several downloadable biographies and a resume of his complete career for use in programme books.
Since his editions of Bach, Schütz and Haydn choral works are now being frequently performed, there are relevant Prefaces and Programme notes. In addition, the texts of his two Haydn editions (The Creation, The Seasons) can be downloaded for use in Programme books.
Increasingly involved in 18th century music research, particularly 18th century English singers and the vocal works of Handel and Haydn, this website also contains several recent articles by Neil Jenkins on these topics.
Note that Neil's documents are all available as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files and need Adobe Acrobat reader to open them. If you do not already have it, the latest version of this free software can be downloaded from www.adobe.com.
New book by Neil Jenkins
Neil's new book entitled John Beard, Handel and Garrick's favourite tenor has now been published. To order a copy (price £15) please either click on the image on the left (which will take you to the publisher's website) or purchase from Amazon.